Thursday, December 13, 2012

NorthFace Vests Jackets the two decided to residence

Surprisingly harmonious relationship in a few people.
The Guo Jia early years traveling the world of course, long been too the Jizhou of the Zhisuo - Ye City.
Zhao itself a native of Jizhou, of course, of Ye City somewhat understand.
This Jizhou is located in the northern part of the North China Plain, the northwest cross Inner Mongolia plateau, east of Bohai Bay, West Hill Taihang Mountains, in the Jizhou the southern daimyo, Guantao linxi area, the Yellow River flow through into the Bohai Sea in Cangzhou east in this day and age, both from an economic and or from a political point of view, are of strategic importance.
Dominant if generation can self of its major events, but if Han Fu and other Hunkui incompetent hands of that since attracted millions of people watching for.
Speaking of Ye City, it is then premier metropolis after Luoyang, Linzi, Chang'an bustling at naturally other cities can not match.
Looking at that will never be less than Linzi pedestrian streets, Guo Jia in my heart silently praise: This the Jizhou really is a treasure it!
Guo Jia had repeatedly figured before entering Jizhou, looking at the Jizhou tall and sturdy, imposing walls, if you want to storm the the hard hitting Ye City, in the end could be achieved only available ways to find using conventional methods of siege, such as bulldozers mountain, frame ladder, dig, etc. is not very good, the only way it seems is to fight a protracted war, with the absolute advantage of troops surrounded the four sides of the Ye City,north face clearnace, and slowly drain the city of forage and other military supplies to make it without a fight from the chaos be successful.
However, this method Think raises the urge to give up, I will not speak Ye City and other cities and military supplies has always been fully prepared to support at least two or three years time, do not always foreign aid outside attacks, single is one of the soldiers The problem is a headache, if no more than defenders soldiers ten times more troops, to talk about what qualifications the capture of Ye City and other major cities.
Even to the Qingzhou Army and other pit one against ten elite of view, but also unusual difficulty.
But this thing can be difficult to others, but will never make three countries Guo Jia downright genius despair. Guo Jia Ye City location characteristics have long known that, if long surrounded Ye City, the best way around the city in Ye deep trenches dug on which tens of miles,NorthFace Vests Jackets, and then the introduction of the Zhanghe water, will be able to Ye city surrounded by a packed.
Such advantages are of course obvious, river siege either rescue or breakout will become very difficult.
When Guo Jia told this idea to face the tall walls of Ye City quite often inaccessible sense of Zhao, the latter very surprised, his eyes filled with a breathtaking look good, big sigh this world only Guo Jia so with a smile Famous last words before want Chuzhe Deng step hundreds enemy geography to become own geography wonderful good count.
This plan is of course impossible to make around two people know, or certainly refer two scared half to death.
Geng Wu riding a horse, first commanded men as Guo Jia and Zhao, the two decided to residence, this smile of two, said: turn how? Guo Jia and Zhao also said no? Course nodded yes.
However, this is understandable, after all, they are suddenly visited, people do not prepare, where to find suitable accommodation sudden? Even should clean twelve.
Guo Jia smiled and said:

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